What are “trans fats“? What food is it in? How dangerous is it?

After the Royal Gazette Publication of announcements from the Ministry of Public Health Regarding food regulations that prohibit the production, import, or sale of trans fatty acids (Trans Fatty Acids) from oils that have been partially hydrogenated (Partially Hydrogenated Oils) because there is clear scientific evidence that trans fats have an increased effect. The risk of heart disease and stroke,
What are trans fats?
Trans fat is one of 3 types of fat: saturated fat, unsaturated fat. and trans fats The main components are Unsaturated fatty acids with a trans structure A small amount is found in fats in meat and milk, but most trans fats are fats that are obtained synthetically during food production. By adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. To make สมัคร ufabet the vegetable oil more solid. And the fat obtained from this helps extend the shelf life of the food even more. and increase the stability of food taste It’s also cheaper than regular fat. Therefore, the industry or various entrepreneurs Therefore it is popular to use food. or products that contain trans fat ingredients for cooking
Foods or food ingredients that contain trans fats include:
White butter, margarine, creamer, sweetened condensed creamer (popularly used to make desserts Mixed with various drinks instead of fresh butter, real cream or pure sweetened condensed milk) Therefore, we find foods that are high in foods from the western dessert family such as cookies, cakes, donuts, whipped cream, pies, various crispy snacks. Various fast food Various drinks and foods that contain all of the ingredients listed above
In addition, if you think you can flip through the food ingredients from the nutritional value table on the product,
Even though Trans Fat or trans fat is found to have the number 0. It does not mean that it is in that food. There will be no trans fats at all. Because manufacturers take advantage of the loophole of limiting numbers on packaging labels to say. If the amount of that ingredient is less than 1 gram. That is, from 0.9 grams onwards. Numbers can round down to 0 without displaying the decimal point. Therefore, in many ways The product may therefore contain up to 0.9 grams of trans fat per 1 serving. If that product Put in the packaging that shows all the food has 2 servings, that is, it must be eaten 2 times. This means that there is a possibility. That we may at risk of ingesting up to 1.8 grams of trans fat (if we eat One person ran out of the entire package/box) even though the product’s label shows the number as containing 0 grams of trans fat.
Dangers of trans fats
Eating food that contains a lot or contact each other for a long time. May result in an increased risk of harm to the body as follows:
- Obesity
- Heart and blood vessels, such as ischemic heart disease Coronary artery disease/blockage
- Cerebral hemorrhage/blockage
- High blood fat
- Diabetes disease
- high blood pressure
- Dementia or Alzheimer’s
- macular degeneration
- Gallstones in the gallbladder
Which these diseases are dangerous And if symptoms are severe. They can affect your life within minutes. If we eat foods that contain quite a lot of trans fats. Had never had a health check to find blood lipid values before